Setting Up Your Home Office for a Productive Workday

Apr 21, 2020 | Productivity

The majority of us work from home occasionally. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has now forced that same majority to work from home consistently. Along with adapting to the rapid changes happening in our outside world, we’ve also had to adapt to our new working environments.

We have some tips to help with just that.

First, you need to set up a dedicated workspace – an area with as little interference with your home life as possible. Even if you don’t have a separate office space in your home, find an area that will be your workspace. Make sure you set boundaries and limit distractions. Let your workstation be just for work related activities – close the door, if possible, to ensure privacy.

Next, just like you would if you were going into your corporate office, you should get appropriately dressed in the morning. Keep it professional and business casual – pajamas and bathrobes are a definite ‘no.’ Getting dressed creates a positive mental mindset and reinforces your daily routine. Many experts will also tell you to wear shoes, as this makes you feel more at work.

Set your work hours. Identify your most productive time frame and focus your energy on completing most of your tasks during that time. It’s also important to set a schedule for the day. Decide what you plan to accomplish and stick to the plan as much as possible. To further manage productivity, break up your work into smaller segments – this helps you better manage your time and feel a sense of accomplishment. Logging your work also enforces this and makes it easier to pick up where you left off the next day.

In support of mental health, it’s important to find time for human contact during your workday. Connect with family, friends and colleagues through digital apps and social networking sites; take walks outside; and schedule in some exercise. If weather permits, set up your office outside on a porch, balcony or backyard from time to time. Schedule these breaks into your day to help manage your energy.

Although it takes adjusting for those of us who don’t typically work from home, the practise has actually proved to leave a positive impact. According to Micro, an online collaborative platform, 65% of people who work from home feel more productive.

The full list of the above suggestions can be found here. Stay tuned for our next blog post, where we talk about managing mindset while working from home.

In the meantime, check out our Working from Home webinar series that includes tips and downloadable one-pagers.