The New Normal

Jun 10, 2020 | Mindfulness

What will our world look like after COVID-19?
What changes will stick?
How will our business routines adapt?

As company operations head back into the office, employees will have to adjust to a new normal. Fortune magazine recently shared some of the changes that businesses will need to conform to following the pandemic, including government intervention; automation and digital commerce; and building resilience.

“How much, how fast, and in what ways governments eventually reduce their economic role will be some of the most important questions of the next decade.” The article states. Since governments around the world provided significant financial relief during the crisis, the public will most likely demand the ‘bail’ money be returned and used to help greater society.

Our digital navigation through the crisis has proved that many things – like shopping, banking, telemedicine – can be completed online with minimal or no human interaction. The article states that the pandemic has “accelerated a change.” “In Europe, 13% of consumers said that they were considering online retailers for the first time in April, and in just Italy, e-commerce transactions rose 81% in March.”

Although no one could have predicated or prepared for the havoc brought on by COVID-19, the crisis has encouraged many to re-assess and ultimately change their business strategy and structure in order to develop resilience.

Perhaps the greatest lesson that we have learned from this pandemic is that it is now necessary to rebuild for the better. Clearly, there were things that were not functioning, that surfaced during COFID-19. Activities or structure that were not beneficial for our businesses, communities and livelihoods. Our approach now should be to pivot from the old and create a better new.

Interested in more on this and where to start in your plans to pivot? Here are some other interesting articles we have uncovered. Global News published an article about how countries around the world are getting “back to business;” and Forbes included tips for small companies on how they can rebuild after COVID.