Conquering One Goal at a Time

Feb 28, 2024 | Accountability, Productivity

How many of you have a long list of goals you want to achieve? It’s ok, we’re guilty of it too.

While the intentions are good, the process itself can be daunting and often leads to complete abandonment. Science says this psychological inhabitant can be mastered – by focusing on completing one thing at a time.

Best-selling author James Clear is on a similar journey and shares his findings on changing habits and making them stick.

You need to be consistent he says – which comes as no surprise. Clear cites that people are 2-3x more likely to stick to habits through “implementation intentions.” This just means making a specific plan for when, where, and how to approach the habit. Just to repeat the key approach: this only works when focusing on one thing at a time.

At first, tackling a new habit will require more effort, concentration and intention. Over time, the behavioural pattern will become automatic and form a new routine – this is called “automaticity” in psychological terms.

“It is the ability to perform a behaviour without thinking about each step, which allows the pattern to become automatic and habitual,” says Clear. “Automaticity only happens through repetition and practice. The more reps you put in, the more automatic a behaviour becomes.”

According to the European Journal of Social Psychology, on average, it takes more than 60 days to form a new, automatic habit. This proves that tackling one thing at a time is the most time-efficient way to ensure success and sustainability. Once you accomplish one, move on to the next.

Explore more of our insights on this topic:
Building Habits blog
Company Culture Halts Behaviour Change
Behaviour Change: A Simple Guide to Success